
Developer Guide

Standalone My Care Motifications

You can find a working version of the full application here.

Basic Setup

To get started with using the My Care Notifications component on your HTML page, you will need two things:

  1. A script tag with a link to the JavaScript file
  2. A custom element on your HTML page where you want My Care Notifications to appear

Once added to the page, your code snippet should look like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://mycarenotifications.dignityhealth.org/my-care-notifications.js"></script>

Please note that the order of the elements is important, and the custom element should come first.

Element Options

There are options available to further customize the behavior of the provider details component. They are added as attributes on the custom element that you included in the browser, and are not required for the component to function.

Attribute Description Type Required
configuration-url Path to the JSON file that you provide string yes
base-url Path to the page your app lives on, relative to domain string no

With all the options added, your code snippet should look like this:

<my-care-notifications configuration-url="/path/to/my-care-notif-configuration.json"></my-care-notifications>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://mycarenotifications.dignityhealth.org/my-care-notifications.js"></script>

For information about the contents of the configuration JSON, please see the documentation in our Customization Guide.

Full Application

**Under Development**